What's On Dunoon
Our events website helps our community and visitors to find, schedule and share information about events in Dunoon.

Making the most of local events and improving access to culture
Not everyone uses the same social media channels to share information about events and happenings in Dunoon. In fact, people are moving away from social channels making it harder for local businesses and community groups to reach people with their information. What’s On Dunoon is a community owned and managed one-stop shop for local events.
Get involved
post your event on What’s On Dunoon,
browse the listings to see what is going on in the town,
share with friends and family helping everyone locally to use and benefit from it.

Project partners >

What's on Dunoon's story
Our research explored where there were gaps in support across the local community. We found that local information sharing about events was very patchy, making it difficult for enterprises to develop and for community opportunities to flourish.
With a small investment from Scotland’s Towns Partnership, the first version of the What’s On Dunoon website was launched in November 2022. Since then, we’ve hosted information about 1000’s of local events on the site, making it easier for local people and visitors to see all the great things that are happening in our community.
With further investment from our Scottish Government Investing in Communities funding, What’s On Dunoon is expanding to include more information about clubs, groups and support organisations. It will also have improved search functions. This next phase of development will involve the support of a team of local volunteers.
Celebrating outcomes
A new website and brand that celebrates all the great things going on in Dunoon.
Better information sharing across community groups, businesses and service providers.
A central community calendar to support planning for complementary events and help avoid diary clashes
A community owned, digital asset that builds connections locally.
Using funding to develop a digital asset for the town.
Volunteer opportunities that support people to develop their digital skills.