We have all started to reach for the warmer jackets, as the evenings draw in and the temperature drops. Autumn can be stunning in Dunoon, as the trees change colour and people head out around Cowal to events like Ardentinny for Harvest Fair or for walks in the great outdoors at Cowalfest Walking and outdoor.
However, there is nothing worse than a wet, cold Sunday to get through if you are on your own worried about the cost of heating your front room or if you are stuck at home with bored kids. If this is you, then you might want to consider attending one of our SOUP-er Sunday events at Dunoon Burgh Hall.
SOUP-er Sundays are informal gatherings open to anyone in our community and nosey visitors. You can come along, enjoy a bowl of homemade soup and take some time to connect with neighbours, friends and family.
There are creative activities for kids and families provided by the lovely Alyson Dawes, plus there are lots of opportunities to share information about what’s going on across our community.
Our SOUP-er Sunday 2023 season kicks off with a short presentation by Ann Campbell from Dunoon Community Development Trust, followed by information sharing by two local initiatives: Dunoon Goes POP and Dunoon Film Festival.
Doors Open at 12.30pm
Soup served from 1pm
Information sharing at 1.30pm
Clear up 3pm.
SOUP-er Sundays are supported by our team of local volunteers.
Pay what you can afford, donations welcome.
Up and coming dates for SOUP-er Sundays, 12:30pm Dunoon Burgh Hall
10th December 2023
14th January 2024
11th February 2024.
Also, if you have an idea or project you want to share with members of your community then get in touch with hannah@dunooncdt.org to find out more about how you can use SOUP-er Sundays to connect with your community.
Thank you to: Scottish Government and National Lottery Communities Fund.