The communities of Dunoon and Kirn need to be good places for young people to stay, study, work and thrive. If we want a sustainable community with a strong, inclusive and equitable economy, then young people need to feel that the area offers them the things they need. But what is it like to be a young person in the Dunoon and Kirn area, and how can spaces and places be invested in to support their needs?

As part of our ongoing work to develop a Local Place Plan for our town, Dunoon Community Development Trust (DCDT) is looking to recruit 6 young people between the ages of 16 -24 to be paid to take part in training and workshops relating to the future of Dunoon and Kirn.
Information from these discussions, and from the research Community Connectors will be asked to do with your own local networks, will be used to inform the development of a Local Place Plan for Dunoon and Kirn.
A Local Place Plan is a development plan informed by the community. A Local Place Plan supports thinking about how land and building assets are used and how investment into the area should be prioritised. You can find out more about Local Place Plans here>
Good to know
Community Connector roles are appointed on a freelance basis and are paid at £12.60 per hour (Real Living Wage Rate) or we can pay you in vouchers, if you prefer. We can also help with any out-of-pocket expenses or care costs.
We are seeking representation from people who live in Dunoon and Kirn who are between 16 – 24 years old.
We are looking for 6 people to take on these roles.
You will be trained by Dunoon Community Development Trust as a Community Connector with training time paid for.
Time commitment and key dates
Estimated number of paid hours per person: 12 hours @ £12.60 per hour = £151.2
Workshops will take place at the Castle Gatehouse in Castle Gardens or at the Queen’s Hall.
To apply simply complete this form with some basic information about yourself and your interest in this role.
Questions and further information
Contact Dunoon Community Development Trust.

We will confirm if you have a Community Connector role by the first week in January
More information
The role aims to connect people with local knowledge and networks with the Local Place Plan process and to ensure that a diverse range of views are represented within the final plan.
During the workshops people will be asked to consider the future of Dunoon, sharing challenges and opportunities whilst considering how to create a sustainable and inclusive town.
Workshop 1.
Community Connector briefing
Facilitated discussion about living, working and studying in Dunoon for young people.
Community Connector tasks
Workshop 2.
What have you found out
Facilitated discussion about how to improve living, working and studying in Dunoon for young people.
Review of the Local Place Plan
Overview of the proposed Local Place Plan. An opportunity to discuss changes and refinements.