Sharing information from across our networks ------------------------------------------------------------ Dunoon Area Alliance is all about networking and sharing information, whether local, regional or national, for the benefit of our community. Please feel free to share this email with anyone who might be interested. ** Cowal Mental Health Forum Meeting Tuesday 25th February 2020 10am to 12noon The Queen's Hall ------------------------------------------------------------ The Cowal Mental Health Forum is a partnership of people with a lived experience of mental health/emotional/substance use recovery, third sector organisations and statutory partners within Cowal and surrounding areas. The group has come together to support the development of partnership working which promotes recovery and enables people with a lived experience of seeking support for recovery to inform and participate in and receive information about service developments across sectors. The group has formed on the basis of evidence gathered during consultation (Our Voices 2018) that people would like the opportunity to share information in locally based forums. The group aims to support all members of the group to be able to participate fully in group activities by creating an environment that is respectful of all our skills, knowledge and experience. Please forward notification of the Cowal Mental Health Forum to friends; colleagues and anyone who you feel may want to participate. The forum is for the whole community and we welcome anyone with an interest in mental and emotional wellbeing. ** Argyll College UHI - Dunoon Campus Courses starting in January Students on each of these courses will be eligible to have their fees paid, and will also be eligible for bursary/travel/childcare costs where relevant and appropriate. These courses will start in the week commencing 27th January and will run till the first week in June. Applications should be made online and we are happy to assist with this process. There are no entry requirements for any of these courses which makes them particularly accessible for a broad range of learners, though candidates should have a keen interest in their chosen subject. ------------------------------------------------------------ NPA Health & Social Care – this SCQF level 6 course provides an excellent introduction to the health and social care sector – a very large sector/employer across Argyll - and as well getting their food hygiene and manual handling training, students will learn about: Care Principles and Practice, Health, Safety and Protection in Care Settings, Working in Health and Social Care Setting, and Understanding and Supporting People in Health and Social Care Settings. This course includes a local placement and can prepare students for a range of entry-level roles within the care sector, including working in residential care homes, home care, disability services or as a mental health worker. Apply here: https://www.argyll.uhi.ac.uk/courses/scqf-level-6-health-and-social-care-an-introduction-npa/ NPA Construction – this course introduces students to a broad range of trades, from plumbing and painting and decorating, to joinery, brick-laying and roof-tiling, among other things. Students will also learn some basic numeracy and IT skills, as well as health and safety relevant for working in the construction industry. This course would be an excellent option for anyone looking to get started in the construction industry, and our tutor also looks for local community projects for the students to be involved in – the last cohort renovated benches for the local community council, for example, so there’s an opportunity for students to make a difference to their town. Apply here: https://www.argyll.uhi.ac.uk/courses/npa-construction-ft/ There are also a number of leisure courses available that may be of interest: Digital Photography – this course is ideal for anyone interested in photography, from beginners to those who are a bit more experienced and want to improve their skills. Our tutor can work one-to-one with students on the course to help students get the most from their cameras, and there will be opportunities for outdoor photography with our tutor’s guidance. This course runs for 10 weeks, starting on 30^th January, on Thursday afternoons from 1pm – 3pm. The course costs £85. Beginners Spanish – whether you want to learn some Spanish to go on holiday, or to use it for work or study, our beginners class is a great starting point. This course is taught by video conferencing and will run every Thursday from 7pm-9pm, starting on January 30^th. The cost of this course is £72. Counselling Skills – this 15-week course follows on from our introduction to counselling course and begins by investigating the history and theoretical base of counselling, and the progresses onto learning and practicing counselling skills. This course starts on January 30^th and runs every Thursday evening from 6pm-9pm at a cost of £172 – students may be eligible for a fee waiver or ITA. If you have not completed the introduction course with us but have relevant background, skills or experience, please contact us and our tutor can discuss with you in more detail. Emergency First Aid at Work - This nationally recognised qualification includes the most recent Health & Safety Executive (HSE) changes made on 1 January 2017. It is suitable for candidates in low risk workplaces to become accredited Emergency First Aiders in the Workplace. This course is a one-day course on Thursday 23^rd January and costs £80. Course cost includes lunch of soup and a sandwich. If you are interested in any of the above, or have clients/pupils/service users who might be, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we can help with the application process and any further questions. Kind regards Dr. Faye Tudor Learning Centre Manager: Dunoon, Rothesay & Helensburgh faye.tudor@uhi.ac.uk (mailto:faye.tudor@uhi.ac.uk) Business Gateway Business Start Up Workshop Queens Hall, Dunoon Wednesday 29^th January 9.30am-4.30pm & Thursday 30^th January 9.30am – 12.30pm Lunch will be provided on the first day. Aims: Over the 1.5 days you will understand the need for a business plan in starting and running a successful business, be able to describe your business and learn how to present your plan. You will be able to manage a profit and loss account, produce a cashflow and understand the main sources of finance. You will be able to describe the role of marketing in the business, identify your potential customers and understand the marketing mix. You will be able to identify and complete the market research required to support your business plan. To book your free space, follow the link: https://www.bgateway.com/events/business-start-up-dunoon-15-days-29th-30th-january-12425 ** Dunoon Presents 2020 Event Dates: ------------------------------------------------------------ * 6^th and 7^th June - The Fife Regatta (in partnership) this historic sailing event will run from the 4^th to the 12^th June, re introduced for 2020 will visit Holy Loch Marina on the above dates and sail onward on Sunday 7^th June. www.fiferegatta.com (https://pa23.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e958f84ac1c0aab4434abe270&id=1c27173598&e=39d4bb2be1) * 19^th/20^th June – Argyll Rally: to be run on closed private roads, with ceremonial start in Dunoon town centre on the evening of Friday 19^th June. Dunoon stadium will continue to be the main event hub and service centre and open to the public. * 4^th or 11^th July – The inaugural ‘Return to Life’ Argyll Sportive: this will be an open road sportive style event which will be a cycle and not specifically a race. This will traverse routes out as far as Kilfinnan and Glendaruel and will start and finish in Dunoon * 1^st August – The Dunoon Half marathon and 10k Road Race: this event, established Scottish road running calendar, will again start in the West bay Dunoon and head south, with the half marathon going as far as the Toward Loop and back to the finish point near Dunoon Pier. * 7^th and 8^th August – The ‘Doon the Watter Revival Music Weekender: this event is now well established in the small Scottish events circuit and attracts an audience from a mix of ska, mod music and northern soul genres. * 4^th to 6^th September – The Dunoon Jazz Festival (in partnership) Dunoon Presents are partnering with the organisers of this event, now in its second year to assist with the evident growth and development potential. * 12^th and 13^th September – The Scottish Enduro Mountain Biking Series - Elite mountain biking makes a return to the forests around Dunoon with round 3 of the championship which for 2020, doubles also as a qualifying round for the Enduro World Series. This will in addition, be a round of the British Enduro Series. www.nofussevents.co.uk (https://pa23.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e958f84ac1c0aab4434abe270&id=8c2fb77abd&e=39d4bb2be1) * 12^th to 27^th September - Summit to Sea Outdoor Festival: a two week events programme of all things outdoors, for beginners, families, right up to more elite competitors. * 3^rd October - The Dunoon Ultra Marathon and Relay: these iconic two races start at Benmore Gardens early morning and finish on Dunoon Pier, a distance of 55k. * 27^th to 29^th November – Dunoon Dazzles: the annual street market, grotto, music, street food, reindeer and lights switch on. Sunset Ceremony is again not included in the 2020 Dunoon Presents events listing but if you know of any community group/individuals who may be interested in taking on this community event we will be happy to offer advice and non financial assistance where possible, based on the experience of running the event from 2014 to 2018. Argyll & Bute Council Community Growing Spaces Interested in Creating an Allotment? Allotment gardening offers the benefit of a year-round healthy lifestyle that is active, sustainable and socially inclusive – and it also contributes to biodiversity. Community Food Growing Strategy (https://argyll-bute.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=8b4f54a2f5034d9299bdb11369408dc6) The feedback from a recently completed public consultation (https://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/consultations/argyll-and-butes-community-food-growing-strategy-consultation) is currently being evaluated. The Community Food Growing Strategy contains a vision “To encourage and enable people in our community who wish to grow their own food, by providing information on potential community food growing spaces, advice and guidance.” The strategy was developed in line with the Scottish Government’s Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2015/6/contents/enacted) , and if it is approved (due in April 2020) it will provide advice and guidance for those individuals and community groups who wish to grow their own food, as well as information on potential community food growing spaces. Argyll & Bute Council is keen where possible to help communities add to the number of allotment sites in Argyll and Bute. A map of known community food growing areas is available here (https://argyll-bute.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=696e7493d863412c9308e819470ed1d0) If enough people register their interest in having an allotment in an area where the numbers are viable – and where suitable land can be found within the Argyll and Bute Council estate that meets the criteria of being local, accessible and fit for purpose – the Council will provide advice and guidance in order to help explore the options. Any allotments eventually created by this process would be managed and maintained by the community and not by Argyll and Bute Council. If you would like to register interest in being part of the creation of an allotment please complete the online form. The completed form will ask you: * The name of the applicant(s). * The applicant(s) address, phone number and e-mail address. * Administrative Area the applicant(s) lives in. * Size of allotment requested, if specified. * Special requirements. Follow this link to register your interest (https://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/forms/allotments-register-interest) Alternatively, send your contact details, including name, address, contact telephone number and the area you wish to be added to areagovernance@argyll-bute.gov.uk (mailto:areagovernance@argyll-bute.gov.uk) . New Allotments Argyll and Bute Council is committed to working with all stakeholders in order to increase the provision of allotments in line with demand across the area. We are keen to add to the number of allotment sites in Argyll and Bute. If you are a private landowner and would like to create allotments on your land we are happy to work with you.I if you would like to discuss creating allotments on your land or for futher information please contact Stuart McLean, Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre, Helensburgh. 01436 658717. ** Scottish Rural Action National Conference & AGM 26 - 27 February 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------ You are invited to attend the Scottish Rural Action National Conference, taking place alongside our AGM from 26th – 27th February 2020, to explore the challenges and opportunities facing rural Scotland during the coming period of change. We are gathering in an inspirational venue that is symbolic of the changing face of rural Scotland; New Lanark World Heritage Centre. What can we learn from rural Scotland's industrial past? What economic opportunities are about to present themselves? How can we better balance the wellbeing of our people and the needs of our planet? How can we work together to enact positive, meaningful change? Speakers and contributors at the event include Fergus Ewing MSP, Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy, Robin McAlpine of Common Weal on the Green New Deal, Katherine Trebeck of the Wellbeing Alliance on the Rural Economy and Inclusive Growth, Aileen McLeod, former MEP, and Niall McShannon, Managing Director of Clydesdale Community Initiatives on social enterprise. The conference will also include a choice of field visits and a range of participatory workshops on topics such as climate change, re-population, community development and rural engagement. The conference will also kick start our 'rural movement'. Rural Scotland's voice needs to be heard, and the Scottish Government has tasked us with making that happen. We need your input. For more details and to view the full programme visit our website (https://scot.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f0d6cea1b22fc4edc4d31a6fa&id=6d22aceaad&e=b7d8d09580) . To reserve your free of charge place, clink on the booking link (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/scottish-rural-action-conference-tickets-71300241943) ** Scottish Rural Action is seeking a new Chair ------------------------------------------------------------ Are you passionate about rural Scotland, with strong leadership skills and a track record in the management and funding of organisations? We are seeking to appoint a new Chair for Scottish Rural Action and we are keen to hear from suitably experienced and connected people who can lead SRA through an exciting period of change and ambitious development. This is a high profile and important position in the rural sector in Scotland. The Chair will play a critical role in the development of SRA as an organisation, and in shaping and positioning SRA in terms of the wider rural agenda, including the development of the Scottish rural movement. If you are interested, or know someone who may be, full information about the post and details of how to apply can be found HERE (https://scot.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f0d6cea1b22fc4edc4d31a6fa&id=0db5af3d84&e=b7d8d09580) . You can view and download the full job description HERE (https://scot.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f0d6cea1b22fc4edc4d31a6fa&id=1f0558ca3e&e=b7d8d09580) . Please help us to disseminate this opportunity through your networks. Thank you. Application deadline: 5pm on Monday January 27, 2020. * Interviews will be held in Edinburgh on February 17-19 in Edinburgh * If you wish to discuss this opportunity please phone: 01381 600736 or 07753 834910 * Further information about the work of Scottish Rural Action is available on www.sra.scot (https://scot.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f0d6cea1b22fc4edc4d31a6fa&id=00fb331105&e=b7d8d09580) and www.scottishruralparliament.org.uk (https://scot.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f0d6cea1b22fc4edc4d31a6fa&id=471dc50417&e=b7d8d09580) Developing the Young Workforce Scotland's Biggest Parents' Evening 2020 Dunoon is a chance for parents / carers and anyone else who is interested to come along and speak to people working as part of the Health & Social Care Partnership and as part of voluntary organisations. Find out what career pathways are available, talk to Argyll College about courses and find out how volunteering can boost your skills and your value to employers in the future. For further details go to: https://dywargyll.com/event/scotlands-biggest-parents-evening-2020/ (https://dunoonareaalliance.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=18d0368491589350f68f62d83&id=2550c437a5&e=9d1a4bc4a5) If you would like your organisation represented at the event please get in touch. You can contact DYW through the website or email scott.anderson.dyw@uhi.ac.uk or call 01631 559768