Dunoon Area Alliance is all about networking and sharing information, whether local, regional or national, for the benefit of our community. Please feel free to share this email with anyone who might be interested.
** Dunoon & Cowal Coworks
Coffee Break Meet Up
Friday 31st January 2020
12.30pm to 2pm
The Queen's Hall
Come and enjoy this tea / coffee break for freelancers, home based workers and enterprising people living in Dunoon and Cowal.
Brighten up a wet, warmish, windy January with a wee cuppa + chat
A time for freelancers, home based workers and enterprising people living in Dunoon and Cowal to get together share and solve problems. This month tell us your plans for 2020 and catch up with the slow, but positive progress being made around developing an enterprise network for all locally.
Meet in Room 2, located just by the cafe in Queen's Hall, Dunoon.
For more information contact ann@surf.scot
This initiative is being developed in partnership between the sustainable design agency Tacit-Tacit (https://www.tacit-tacit.co.uk/) and the Dunoon Area Alliance (https://www.dunoonareaalliance.org/) .
** Dunoon Community Christmas Lights Group
Next Meeting
Tuesday 11 February at 6.30pm
The Upper Deck at Sinbad's Bar, Argyll Street
All welcome!
Loch Lomond & the Trossachs Community Partnership
Litter & Waste Summit 2020
Wednesday 11^th March 2020
In all of the Community Action Plans in the National Park area, litter is identified as a major issue & priority for action in our communities.
This, together with the need for us to think seriously about our use of the world's resources in the light of climate emergency, highlights the need for us to be more litter aware!
The Community Partnership and Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park (https://www.facebook.com/lomondtrossachs/) will jointly host a Litter & Waste Summit 2020 on MAR 11 2020, 4.30 PM at the NPHQ, Balloch G838EG.
Community interest groups, community activists, development trusts, youth groups, school eco groups, and community councils and communities passionate about tackling litter are all invited to join us for this inspiring, engaging and action packed event. Spaces will be limited.
More details to follow!!!!!
https://www.thecommunitypartnership.org.uk/event/litter-waste-summit-11-march-2020/ (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thecommunitypartnership.org.uk%2Fevent%2Flitter-waste-summit-11-march-2020%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR254BoRKRqdl4AMs-CtMO1vDx9ZgC99o3AhCKIlQkmjKoeyOUZaVZ-aFEo&h=AT0zjfN4YoeFZIO5EObBv1YtncrJbEXsiCldSNXbWiU3e8ldL1KSURM6GpO_XJcKkW0uZv2D9Ps3PlZinPD2D_L1DmRRMS3ZwjDId0CuMIbD_0GJ-WlWBGPyj1aOMdHGLA)
** Sign Language Social
Wednesday 29th January 2020
Season's Cafe
This 'sign language social' organised by The Ruberslaw, Innallan is open to anyone, any age and with whatever level of sign language or deaf awareness you bring. All are welcome.
** Highlands & Islands Enterprise
Year of Coasts & Waters 2020
** Immerse yourself and your business in West Coast Waters 2020!
6th / 7th February 2020
Location: The Beacon Arts Centre, Greenock
Time: 09:00am - 05:00pm
Cost: Free
2020 is Scotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters. West Coast Waters 2020 (https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fus2.mailchimp.com%2Fmctx%2Fclicks%3Furl%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.westcoastwaters.co.uk%252F%26h%3De3d29f15c5db363053c9e6678bdc2a5e987008fb23eb6e7f9db97ab1d712e483%26v%3D1%26xid%3Dc4fb512a80%26uid%3D6129250%26pool%3D%26subject%3D&data=02%7C01%7Cgillian.macgregor%40hient.co.uk%7C79bc3b0c6ab8461552f108d7a0e63b45%7C42cd146c1e204d8b8df0e184bb9a0994%7C0%7C0%7C637154783014749651&sdata=xKRf%2BOTNkEn0NoKYAj8JEOhNrYUijyhrexgh4IG1vGs%3D&reserved=0) (WCW) is an exciting new collaboration of 22 destination management groups from across the west coast which is progressing six exciting initiatives to encourage visitors to immerse their senses in all the west coast has to offer.
To help businesses maximise these opportunities, WCW, supported by Highlands and Islands Enterprise, are hosting a series of workshops up and down the west coast to raise awareness. On day 1, WCW will present their exciting plans to help businesses to get directly involved, and on day 2, a more interactive session for a selection of businesses in each location to learn how to reach new international markets.Book your place today and get ready to inspire both visitors and locals to immerse their senses in everything Scotland’s west coast has to offer!
More info available here (https://www.hie.co.uk/events-and-training/immerse-your-business-in-west-coast-waters-2020-greenock/)
Developing the Young Workforce
Scotland's Biggest Parents' Evening 2020 Dunoon is a chance for parents / carers and anyone else who is interested to come along and speak to people working as part of the Health & Social Care Partnership and as part of voluntary organisations.
Find out what career pathways are available, talk to Argyll College about courses and find out how volunteering can boost your skills and your value to employers in the future.
For further details go to: https://dywargyll.com/event/scotlands-biggest-parents-evening-2020/ (https://dunoonareaalliance.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=18d0368491589350f68f62d83&id=2550c437a5&e=9d1a4bc4a5)
If you would like your organisation represented at the event please get in touch.
You can contact DYW through the website
or email scott.anderson.dyw@uhi.ac.uk
or call 01631 559768