Our supporters
Connecting Dunoon
To share ideas. To share resources. We collaborate with people and organisations to improve our town.
Our partners
Since the inception of the Dunoon Area Alliance in 2017, our key partner has been Scotland’s Regeneration Forum (SURF). SURF supported the Trust by funding a part-time facilitator role until March 2023 and they continue to be our key partner.

Collaboration is key
Collaborative working is at the heart of how we work. Other organisations we work closely with include:
Our funders
Our funders
Our funding success from 2023 will support community-led action for wellbeing across Dunoon over the next three years.

Scottish Government Investing in Communities Fund.
We have three years of funding to support our work to connect Dunoon for wellbeing. This includes building on our partnership working, the expansion of local information sharing and communication, and community engagement to create a Local Place Plan.

National Lottery Communities Fund
To support initiatives that will run from April 2023 to March 2026. This will get volunteers involved in activities that improve our community while boosting their own wellbeing.