Our story

Connected communities make change happen
Dunoon is a great place to live, work and study. There are a lot of people doing incredible things for the benefit of our town. By bringing more people on board. By reaching out to those who we’ve not reached out to before. We are connecting our community so that together we can improve our town and our quality of life.
Building connections
We bring people, ideas and resources together and support community-led activities that are
Good for our environment,
Good for our economy,
Good for our people.

We believe in the power of community
In all that we do, we think about
Sustainability. We believe that community development can be good for people, the planet and our economy.
Community-led action. We believe that people in our community are best placed to drive forward initiatives for the benefit of Dunoon.
Inclusivity. We believe that everyone living, working or studying in Dunoon should have the opportunity to get involved or have their say in our community.
Collaboration. We believe that bringing people together in our community can make exciting things happen for the benefit and development of Dunoon.

Our evolution
Dunoon Community Development Trust has come out of a series of consultation and partnerships focused on the sustainable regeneration of the Dunoon area
Think Dunoon Charette produces project proposals for Dunoon’s regeneration
SURF, Scotland’s Regeneration Forum, appoints a part-time facilitator to support action through Dunoon Area Alliance
Dunoon Area Alliance establishes Dunoon Community Development Trust, a Scottish Incorporated Charitable Organisation (SCIO), to support community-led, sustainable regeneration action on local priority themes.
Dunoon Community Development Trust has funding success, and establishes a team of staff to expand our work to connect our community and improve wellbeing.
What is a Community Development Trust?
"A development trust is a community-owned and led organisation, working to combine community-led action with an enterprising approach to address and tackle local needs and issues.​
The aim of a development trust is to create social, economic and environmental renewal in a defined geographical area, creating wealth within that area and keeping it there."