Grow Food, Grow Dunoon
Bringing people together to share the experience of growing food and all its benefits.
Community food growing
Joining forces to learn how to grow food:
brings people together to share skills and expertise,
gets you active and outdoors,
boosts your mental and physical wellbeing,
increases access to local, organic vegetables,
improves your diet,
is good for the planet,
makes Dunoon a healthier town.
Growing resources
To find out about workshops, courses and vegetable sales, follow Grow Food, Grow Dunoon on Facebook or Instagram.
Grow Food, Grow Dunoon’s Martin Gerrish has a radio show on Dunoon Community Radio every Friday and Tuesday at 12noon. Listen to previous shows here.
Project partners >

Grow food, Grow Dunoon story
Bringing people together to learn how to grow food across Dunoon.
A group of local people came together to grow their own food in 2021. Not in a private garden or allotment, but as a team.
A group of local people came together to grow their own food in 2021. Not in a private garden or allotment, but as a team. Joining forces, the group each brought different skills which could support their new food growing venture. A grant from Argyll and Bute Council’s Supporting Communities Fund enabled us to build the infrastructure for the project in its first year, based at Kirn Primary School. As well as growing, sharing and selling vegetables and herbs, volunteers from the group taught Kirn Primary pupils how to grow vegetables from seed and how to care for them as they grow.
In 2024 a new site, Struan Green Haven, located in the the grounds of a Struan Lodge dementia care facility, has been established. In addition a theraputic garden is also being developed.
Celebrating outcomes
Established a 10-bed food growing garden at Kirn Primary in 2022
Achieved Level 3 It's Your Neighbourhood Award from Keep Scotland Beautiful in 2022
Delivered our first food growing course in autumn 2022
Generated interest in food growing across Dunoon and supported the development of other food related projects

Find out more about the project and volunteering with Grow Food, Grow Dunoon
Contact our Volunteering for Wellbeing Co-ordinator, Barbara Henderson.