Walking, Wheeling and Cycling
Walking, wheeling and cycling for your everyday journeys is good for your wellbeing and for our town.

A healthy and active town
Everyday walking, wheeling, cycling or scooting
gets you active and outdoors,
reduces car traffic and pollution,
improves your physical and mental health,
is good for the environment,
makes Dunoon a cleaner and safer town to get around.
Get involved
Want to walk, wheel or cycle more?
Cycling UK’s Dunoon Bothy is here to help. Learn new skills, borrow an e-bike or join our health walks and led cycles.
Follow the Dunoon Bothy on Facebook.
Dunoon Bothy’s story
The Dunoon cycling and walking Bothy is located just opposite Dunoon Ferry terminal, in the newly refurbished historic Castle Gatehouse. It is set to open in the spring of 2024.
Supported by the Trust, the Dunoon Bothy project is run in partnership between Cycling UK and Argyll and Bute Council. Thanks to a grant from Transport Scotland’s Smarter Choices Smarter Places fund, the Bothy works with volunteers and community groups to encourage people to walk, wheel and cycle for everyday short journeys. Volunteer training, ebike loans, community health walks and led cycles are some of the Bothy’s activities which will help build a healthier and cleaner community.
An ambitious future
With support from the Social Enterprise Academy Scotland in 2021/22, we brought council staff, business owners, community groups and individuals together to identify existing travel assets and discuss new initiatives. This Active Travel Network continues to meet and discuss how to take forward our ambitions for Dunoon. Interested in joining our group? New voices are always welcome.