An enterprising Dunoon
Supporting people working for themselves, working from home and working around care responsibilities to develop enterprising ideas.

A prosperous town
Place-based enterprise support can help you:
get more work,
feel more connected and less isolated,
provide information about greener ways of doing business,
share information about the challenges of working around family and care responsibilities,
keep wealth in our town,
find other skilled people to collaborate with,
access peer support, training and learn new skills.
Get involved
Attend meet-ups, connect with your peers, rent workshop, desk or gallery space, and find out about training or workshops. To find out more go to the POP shop website. POP shop enterprises CIC is a heritage, design and enterprise facility based at 28 Hillfoot Street, Dunoon.

Got an idea for a new business, but don’t know where to start?
Join Dunoon and Cowal Co-works, monthly meet-ups for people working from home, freelance and starting new enterprises and find someone to talk to.
Attend a Green Drinks event at the POP shop. This is a regular night out for people working from home, freelance or for small, social enterprises.
Need work space or a mailing address to get your business started? Or just want a chat with peers? Join the POP shop to access a community of support around value-led entrepreneurship. Join the POP shop.
Enterprising Dunoon story
Our Dunoon and Cowal Co-works project set out to respond to the unmet support needs of freelance and home based workers, and those working around care responsibilities, located on the Cowal peninsula. POP shop enterprises CIC was born from the initial research, delivered in partnership between the Trust and Dunoon design and research agency Tacit Tacit.
Celebrating outcomes
Increased awareness of the lived experience of self-employed people and those who are working from home whose storie sare often quite hidden in our community.
Better information about the challenges people face trying to sustain work around care responsibilities.
A more comprehensive understanding of the diverse range of skills and professions that exist in our community.
Increased levels of funding to support people developing enterprise activity.
A refurbished shop and work space in the town for small enterprises.
Regular social events for freelance and home-based workers to encourage peer support.